What happens in a session

I analyse your astrological birth chart and present an overview of your latent patterns; uncovering different aspects of your personality and the layers behind it. We discuss:

  • Your self-image

  • The image you present to others

  • Qualities of your emotional nature

  • Reasoning abilities and biases

  • Affinity towards certain experiences

  • How you assert and defend your boundaries

  • Optimism and cautiousness approach

We identify internal conflicts and discuss ways of resolving them. We talk about inherent talents which you should hone and the core areas of life you should focus on. I suggest a variety of external factors that could assist your evolution and prescribe specific meditation practices, suitable for your personality.

Opening Session Subsequent Sessions
2 hours duration 1 or 2 hour duration
I talk about your overall persona and broadly cover relevant issues. Through dialogue, we go deeper into various issues.
Rs 10,000 Rs 5,000 per hour
- This depends on your need. For many just the opening session is enough.

“We are like a seed that carries the blueprint of a tree inside it. There are latent patterns inside us; certain characteristics and inclinations, inherent talents expecting to be developed.”

— Click to read the philosophy behind Life Strategy Sessions