About Me

From an early age, I felt a strong pull toward spirituality. This led me to explore New Age Eastern philosophies, where I found inspiration in the teachings of Osho, Ramana Maharishi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, U.G. Krishnamurti and Alan Watts.

I spent nearly a decade living at the Osho Ashram, immersing myself in meditation practices from diverse traditions, including Yoga, Zen, Sufism, and Taoism. This period of exploration and inner discovery became the foundation of my understanding.

I developed a fascination with astrology and its ability to reveal the unique patterns within an individual. As I studied its symbols and techniques, I began weaving this ancient esoteric tool with my spiritual insights. Alongside, I kept updating my understanding with modern psychosomatic discoveries.

Years of contemplation naturally evolved into offering one-on-one consultations. Conducting hundreds of sessions, I was fortunate to witness the rich inner worlds of individuals from diverse backgrounds.

I saw that while everyone faces unique challenges which require personal solutions, there is a vital need for a foundational understanding common to all. Despite our different vantage points we are all navigating the same journey.

It is important for all of us to examine the intricate working of the subconscious and understand the root causes of our dilemmas. And above all, to recognise the quiet pull of the deepest and most elevated aspect of ourselves.

Over the years, I designed a group workshop to illuminate this shared journey.

Today, I engage with the world in two ways: