Philosophy behind Life Strategy Sessions
I believe all beings come pre-programmed into this world.
We are like a seed that carries the blueprint of a tree. There are latent patterns inside us; certain characteristics and inclinations, inherent talents expecting to be developed and some self-defeating tendencies which need to be transformed.
As we grow up, we experience life through the prism of our patterns.
The culture of our family, society and the era, we are born and brought up in, influences us at many levels. External forces support the growth of some aspects of our nature and challenge the growth of some other aspects.
Our duty and greatest joy lies in expressing ourselves as best as possible. The route to self realisation also lies down this road. We cannot copy someone else’s footsteps and hope for Nirvana. What others did to attain enlightenment came out of their being and what we need to do has to come out of our inner being. As the great saint Ramakrishna said – as many perspectives, that many paths.
Life Strategy Sessions is a way to deepen your understanding of your perspective and gain clarity about your life’s journey. It is a support for you to become the best version of yourself.
I believe there is a profound synchronicity at play in the universe. The position of the stars at the moment of our birth reflects what we carry into this world.
It reflects the deepest urge we all have,
from which all religions emerge,
to be one with the universe.
It reflects our wounds,
however they got there.
The dilemmas that are there in our feral eyes.
And the way beyond it.
It reflects the seed’s incredible journey into a tree.
And the paths toward it.
The astrological birth chart is like a blueprint of your psyche. Knowledge of the birth chart helps me understand various aspects of your persona. It helps me see the journey you need to make to manifest your potential and satisfy your deepest desire.